
Oct 12 2022 - Nov 09 2022

Global Supply Chain

In this program, we’ll delve into the four, interrelated pillars of a truly global supply chain: 1. Product Development & Management, 2. Strategic Sourcing, 3. Distribution and Logistics, and 4. Demand Planning & Inventory Management. We’ll start with the fundamentals of the four pillars, looking at how the supply chain discipline focuses on people, processes, and systems. From there, we’ll focus on each of the pillars with the development and management of a product, understanding the critical elements of strategic sourcing in supply chains, learning the role of distribution and logistics across the current supply chain network, and understanding successful demand planning and inventory management functions in Industry 4.0.

Learn more and enroll online: here



Course Schedule

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 12 2022 - Nov 09 2022